
识别花园里的杂草 & 草坪上
Are you struggling with weed growth on your lawn, in your garden, or in your vegetable plot? Let’s explore some of the most common weeds found in Eastern Ontario and the most effective treatment options:
Everything You Need to Know About Transplanting 灌木
Transplanting trees and shrubs seems like an easy task on the surface, but if you aren’t attentive with removal or installation you could harm or kill the plants. Let’s explore how to safely move existing shrubs to a new location...
你想在生长季节提前开始吗? Grow varieties that are tricky to grow outdoors in the Eastern Ontario climate/soil? 当你有大量作物要种植时,可以省钱? 有更好的控制...
The beauty of your garden does more than attract the attention of passersby...a lush, vibrant garden is also a welcome landing site for birds flying overhead. Birds have an eye for life and beauty and can spot it from high...
Nature lover or not, everyone should contemplate adding a tree to their home’s outdoor space. We could go on and on about the environmental benefits of trees, 但在它们的自然效果之外, 树可以是你的中心部分...
园艺 is one of the world’s most rewarding hobbies, 所有需要的都是土壤, 水, 种子, 和阳光. 园艺对各个年龄的人来说都是一项极好的爱好. 孩子们可以学习自然和科学...
动物喜欢绿地, 比如家庭花园, because they know that they’ll find things to eat there (at least, 大多数时候!). 园艺师和房主都知道, if you want to keep these animals away from your garden, 你会受益于...
如今食品的大趋势是“从农场到餐桌”,” with many more people interested in figuring out exactly where their food comes from and making sure that it is of the highest possible quality. 尽管势不可挡...
最令人兴奋的之一, 有趣的, and informative hobbies you could ever get into is the amazing world of birding. 有10多个,全世界有000种不同的鸟类, 每一个都是独一无二的, 你会...
花园ers are a special breed and they share some traits. Being a gardener is more than planting a few 种子 and calling it a day! In all seriousness, even if you don’t exhibit the five signs, you should give gardening...
If you’re interested in preparing your perennials for winter, 你会 appreciate this practical guide. We’ve compiled some of the best tips, all of which are easy to understand and simple to follow. 现在,让我们来看看最聪明的,...
There’s nothing better than a home-cooked meal on a cold winter night. 无论你是在准备一个温暖的冬季炖菜, hearty spaghetti and meatballs garnished with fresh oregano, 或者简单而优雅的自制香蒜沙司, 这些都是我的最爱. 拿着这些盘子...
Every homeowner knows one thing - having a beautiful lawn makes a big difference. 你整个夏天都在照料你的花园, ensuring it’s a lush paradise that is the envy of the neighbourhood. 然后渥太华的严冬开始了...
Here are the slides from our garden problem solver seminar. Thank you to everyone who attended please feel free to contact us with any further questions. 杂草识别 昆虫识别 疾病鉴别
为什么我需要设计? If you think about your garden as a trip, your design itself is the map on how to get there. Without a map you are liable to end getting lost, or somewhere you didn’t...
Water gardening has become one of the newest and fastest growing trends in garden design in the past 5 years. However, 水 gardening has been around for a very long time. 建造一个池塘有很多因素. 理解...
草坪护理 Preparing the soil for a new crop Turn over the soil to a depth of 10-15cm. 添加土壤改良剂,如黑土和表土. Rake well and level the soil, creating a gradual slope away from the...
抗地鼠植物一年生植物:仙客来属. Cyclamen Nerium oleander Oleander Rosemarinus officinalis Rosemary Salvia officinalis Sage Solanum jasminoides Star of Bethlehem/Potato Vine Bulbs: 所有ium sp. Ornamental Onion Amaryllis belladonna Belladonna Lily Anemone blanda Winter Windflower Colchicum autumnale Autumn Crocus Hyacinthus...
对猫有毒 Botanical name Symptoms Common names Abrus precatorius Severe vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes bloody), 震动, 高心率, 发热, 冲击, 和死亡. 种子有剧毒. Buddhist Rosary Bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Prayer...
蚜虫是绿色的, 棕色(的), red or black soft-bodied insects that suck plant juices causing stunting and deformation of leaves and blooms. They are found on the underside of leaves, usually on the newer, more succulent growth. 它们粘在一起...
害螨 害螨 are tiny sap sucking insects found on the underside of leaves. Warm temperatures and low humidity will cause them to spread more rapidly. They usually go unnoticed until fine webbing is evident. 控制:增加湿度...